Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Get up and move

You need not compare yourself with another. Trust yourself. Believe in your direct relationship with God and you will not be disappointed. Do not wait. Today is the time to start. Right where you are is the place to start.
Electricity exists everywhere but its energy must be directed. So it is with this Power. If you wish Spirit to pour out through your thought in any direction you wish, you must use it consciously. You do not pray this Power into existence. Your use of it is not a prayer to the Power but a recognition of It. To realize that God is ever-present, ever-available, is to know that all the wisdom, intelligence and power of God is right where you are, Your word is power when you know this and speak it. Speak forth things like an affirmative prayer.
The Law of Good is continuously operating in my life.
I am always equal to my task set before me.
I am confident of my ability to meet every situation.
I can solve every problem, overcome every difficulty.
Realizing that Spirit knows no obstruction, 
I have implicit confidence in Spirit ability to operate
through me always, and in every situation!
for this, I am thankful and grateful,
so it is

Have a wonderful day, I am
Love, Peace and Joy
Spiritual Life Coach


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