Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tell a new Story

So how many times are we going to tell the same story, over and over and over again? One year, Two year, Ten years or until you are old and gray, never living the life you dream about or see on TV, on the travel Channel. You have told the story to many times you start to make up stuff and cannot really remember what is true and what is false, but just the same you feel terrible when you tell the story, so you depart from that person  feeling bad about yourself and defeated. Now I ask the question again, "How long are you going to tell the same story?" O k enough is enough, I want to change how I think about myself, and tell a new story.
We have to learn how to create a new story about ourselves, so you take Swim lessons,Hiking,go to Museums, Art  Galleries, Go talk to a life Coach , make new friends, maybe let some people go in our life that does not support you.
Now you are doing it! and oh even take up some Dancing, and you notice your conversation change, you began to speak about just how wonderful life, really is . Come on out and Stand in your Greatness and live the life you dream with love, Peace and Joy!
I would like to challenge everyone for the next week to change how you speak about yourself, by saying something positive and watch how you feel when you say it,do not try, lets do it!
All Positive feed backs are welcome

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Love myself first

Growing up I always heard my mother say she "I put my kids first", I later learn I did the same thing, I put my Daughter and my husband before I considered myself. And I remembered loosing my way of what I wanted for myself, asking myself, what did I want to do? What did I like? Where did I want to go? In short who was I? I had lost my focus, I had given away my power , passion and  purpose. I was not myself, I was empty and even through I had lots of friends and family I felt alone. I needed to get my Power, Passion and Purpose back so I did. Do anyone know what I am talking about?