Sunday, December 11, 2011

Stand in your Greatness Women's Gathering, Facilitator Inya' Creswell

Good stuff going on, is you life out of control? do you feel stuck? Come out and finally show up for your true self, that speaks from within!
Thank you for the responses Ladies, looking forward to seeing everyone Thursday @7pm, for the women's gathering and Monday for the second Spiritual Foundation class @7pm@ 60 Sand Creek Rd. Brentwood CA 94513

Friday, December 9, 2011



Who is this lady?

I am a Spiritual Life Transformational Coach, meaning I assist people in finding and living life full out. Living from purpose instead of shame or guilt, self doubt, low self esteem, and need someone to talk to in confidence. Do you find yourself saying "I feel stuck" If you are willing and this message is speaking to you, than you are the one! sending me a email to assist you to live from a place of inspiration,power and Joy!

Inya Andrea Creswell Rscp

On December 15, I am having a Powerful women's meeting about Elegant Choices that Heal. Do you make the same choices over and over again and you feel like life is passing you by, come out and make a Elegant Choice that Heals and set a new cause in motion. Unity Center 60 Sand Creek Rd, Brentwood CA. Donation is $25.00 and bring a friend for free!
Love, Peace and Joy

On December 15, I...

On December 15, I am having a Powerful women's meeting about Elegant Choices that Heal. Do you make the same choices over and over again and you feel like life is passing you by, come out and make a Elegant Choice that Heals and set a new cause in motion. Unity Center 60 Sand Creek Rd, Brentwood CA. Donation is $25.00 and bring a friend for free!
Love, Peace and Joy

Friday, September 23, 2011

Spa La La

Do you give all yourself to everyone else and say "one day I am going to a Spa and pamper myself" well here is that time! October 22nd we are calling it Spa La La, here in the beautiful city of brentwood at Sawa Spa. Every women is welcome to come and be pampered, inspired by a the wonderful and powerful speaker Sahar Nafal Kordahi. Looking forward to a Powerful time! You presence makes a difference.
For more information contact me for details.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

In the Silence

My Mother said to me one day "where you running to" I was always going somewhere, my mind was busy thinking about what I needed to do and  how fast could I get one more thing done. What I did not finish and oh I will do it tomorrow. Lots of things go on inside my head, thing that has happened to me that I am not proud of how I have lost my way sometimes on automatic pilot, the chatter that repeat itself over and over again, you know the quiet chatter, that get louder and louder sometimes. Well today I give myself a break and my body by allowing it to rest and to rest my mind, by sitting in the Silence, allowing myself to rest and concentrate on the breath of life, and be present with it, so for the rest of the week, allow yourself to sit in the Silence and be present with your breath and tell the chatter, not now!
Allow that still small voice to speak to you from inside.
So, come and sit in the Silence, for the rest of the week  and listen you you breath, try is for 10 minutes.

 Love, Peace and Joy!
Transformational Life Coach

Monday, January 3, 2011

What is your Reality?

"Reality is what we take to be true.
What we take to be true is what we believe.
What we believe is based upon our perceptions.
What we perceive depends upon what we look for.
What we look for depends upon what we think.
...What we think depends upon what we perceive.
What we perceive determines what we believe.
What we believe determines what we take to be true.
What we take to be true is our reality."

~ Gary Zukav